Chicago Modern Therapy for Women

“Intuitive, compassionate & impactful! This work has literally shifted how I experience relationships, including my relationship with myself.”

“After a year of major life transitions and working with Kama, I finally feel like myself again… maybe even a better version of myself!”

What our clients are saying…

  • "Kama created a safe space for me to finally share my story in full. Her ability to listen, remain present and offer compassion helped me feel comfortable enough to go deep with my process. I'm so grateful for this work & the healing I've experienced."

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "This is undoubtedly the most significant work I've ever done.

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "I accomplished more in 2 months of working with Kama than in the 2 years prior of working with a different therapist. My confidence in the workplace has sky-rocketed!"

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "This work has shifted everything for me. It's actually opened up space & energy for me to explore what I want for my life & to figure out my next career move."

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "Kama's intuitive & compassionate approach helped me tune in to my body & to how I was feeling. Most importantly, she helped me understand how to take a step back & name what was going on for me in that moment & gain a clear understanding of "why" I felt the way I did. I'd not experienced this kind of awareness before. It's given me a real opportunity to make more intentional choices for myself. "

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "In working with Kama, I have to say that I haven't felt more myself in many years. Maybe a better version, even!"

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "Kama is the best kind of therapist- part therapist / part coach, a true hybrid. Her approach was a great fit for me."

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "When I look back on all the changes I've made in the past year & how far I've come, I'm literally blown away by my progress!"

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "Working with Kama has helped me become the best version of myself. I now talk about my feelings. I listen to my body & my gut. I'm so much kinder to myself. I'm doing REALLY WELL! In fact, I just landed a new job & I'm now engaged to be married. Thank you, Kama!

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "I'm so grateful for Kama's help in getting me through a challenging period after my divorce. It's great to be feeling like myself again!"

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • “Kama’s intuitive approach & perceptiveness has helped me get real insight into myself. I’m really excited to put what I've learned into action. I've finally taking some real steps forward!”

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "Kama Schulte YOU'RE THE BOMB dot com!"

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "Even the thought of setting boundaries with family & friends used to give me so much guilt. With Kama's support & guidance, I've learned alot about how to say "NO" & get clear with myself about not only what I want, but also what actually works for me. It's been a complete game changer for me & my anxiety."

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "I can't thank Kama enough for all that she's done for me. I can actually still hear her voice as I'm making decisions in my life & in my relationships. I'm so grateful for the work we've done together."

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "Kama's support has meant the world to me. After a breakup, she helped me understand the "red flags" of that relationship and how to listen to the signals my body was sending me. It must've worked, LOL, because I've since found my person & we're getting married! Amazing! Thank you, Kama! I tell all my girlfriends about you & how much I've loved working together."

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "After completing my work with Kama, I'm still finding ACT extremely useful. Incorporating ACT with the Solution Focused approach was SPOT ON for me! I'm taking "committed action" in my life on the daily, in a way that I would have never thought possible!"

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "Who knew that setting boundaries would change my life! Once I started paying more attention to what was contributing to my anxiety, I realized I could make more intentional choices about who I was spending my time & energy with. Kama's relationship knowledge & her support have given me the courage to set limits with people who don't offer me "reciprocity." It's made a huge difference with me feeling less anxious & has given me clarity on what & who I actually want in my life."

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

  • "This work has changed my life, especially my confidence and how I experience relationships. Because of our work together, I gained the confidence to get out of a relationship that didn't work for me. This decision created the space and confidence I needed to become the woman I've always wanted to be."

    — Spontaneously Shared By Client

Making remarkable transformations a reality!

As Chicago Therapists, we’ve supported women, just like you, in making remarkable LIFE TRANSFORMATIONS such as…

  • Landing DREAM jobs

  • Making complete career 180’s

  • Starting businesses

  • Healing from breakup & divorce

  • Finding THEIR person

  • Getting married or remarried

  • Releasing relationships that are no longer in alignment

  • Navigating fertility, pregnancy & becoming a parent

  • Setting boundaries with challenging relationships — including friend, family & work relationships

  • Navigating anxiety in a new way that opens up space & energy to truly enjoy life, experience true relaxation & “succeed” in a way that is uniquely MEANINGFUL!


If you're willing to show up for yourself, invest in the work, and take actions that are aligned with what you truly want, you can absolutely achieve the transformation you’ve been longing for.

Sound like we’re a good fit?