Chicago Therapy Intensives

Feel better, faster.

When to consider booking a Therapy Intensive?

When you’re feeling stuck, lost, or in need of a reset.

When you want to “do the work,” but weekly sessions aren’t an option with your busy schedule.

When life just threw you a massive curve ball & a 45 minute session won’t cut it?

Therapy Intensives offer an accelerated path to healing & lasting change.

If you're looking for accelerated clarity & transformative healing, dive deep with Chicago Modern Therapy INTENSIVES. This high-touch approach offers swift, transformative growth with impactful results.

Now offering INTENSIVES for individuals navigating Breakup Recovery, Career Burnout, Relationship Challenges & Big Life Transitions .

Chicago Modern Therapy Intensives offer a unique journey back to Self.

What if one month from now you could be in a completely different mindset & head space?

How to get started…

  • 1.


    Inquire about how an intensive can best meet your needs.

    We’ll schedule a brief call to determine next steps.

  • 2.

    BOOK IT!

    If the Intensive is a great fit for you, we’ll book out the time for:

    1. Our Pre-Intensive Intake

    2. The Intensive session(s)

    3. The Post-Intensive Follow-Up.

  • 3.


    Immerse yourself in this bespoke experience.

    Together, we’ll begin the journey toward your desired outcome & transformation.

Currently Booking:

  • Experience deep healing & transformation with our Intensive Breakup Recovery Reboot.

    When a breakup sends you spiraling into overwhelm & uncertainty, our Breakup Recovery Intensive Sessions offer a safe space for deep healing & calm.

    Think mini healing retreat: fostering self-love, new insights & deep self-understanding. Designed with your unique post-breakup needs in mind, our high-touch, personalized approach empowers you to move through the deep emotional work, creating an opportunity to realign, refocus, and rebuild your inner strength.

    As an example of what we may decide to include in your personalized program, here are some ideas to get us started:

    Finding Your Balance: We'll start by grounding you, helping you regain stability amidst the chaos.

    Reconnect With Yourself: It's easy to lose yourself in a relationship. Let's rediscover what makes you unique, and what you truly value.

    Understand The Past: We'll unpack the dynamics of your past relationship, shedding light on what worked for you and what didn't. This clarity can be transformative and helps us identify the patterns we’ll want to untangle moving forward.

    Your Confidence Renewed: We'll begin to restore your confidence & self-worth, giving you tools to tap into your resilience, for the journey ahead.

    Design Your Love Blueprint: We’ll gather some information on your Attachment Style, your Personality Type and your Love Languages.

    Relationship Dynamics:
    Exploring your patterns, so you can move forward with new insights & wisdom.

    Building Strong Foundations:
    Together, our work will equip you with the knowledge & tools to create a fulfilling relationship when you're ready.

    The Growth Behind Goodbyes:
    Every break-up, no matter how painful, offers lessons & insights. We'll help you find and embrace them to empower you moving forward.

    Your story is still unfolding. Let's craft the next chapter with intention, clarity, and a touch of excitement.

    You absolutely can have the relationship you want and deserve.

    As you move through the healing process, you’ll connect with your resilience & reconnect with your authentic self.

    It’s from this place that you’ll begin to get curious again & tap into the courage to call in the connection you’ve been craving … the connection with the person who LOVES & accepts you exactly as you are!

    Your process & desired outcome will be uniquely your own.

    We’d be honored to guide and support you as you move through this profound process.

    Reach out to inquire about whether an Intensive is the right fit for you,

    Step into your healing journey today with the Breakup Recovery Intensive Reboot.

  • Therapy Intensives for Entrepreneurs + Professional Women

    Restore, Reconnect, & Reignite.

    When was the last time you felt like you were truly LOVING life—feeling energized, healthy & ALIVE?? Amidst the challenges, noise & daily hustle you want to enjoy the journey. RIGHT?!

    In this Intensive, we aim to RE-IMAGINE what “success” can actually FEEL like for YOU & then upgrade your “personal operating system” to reflect that vision!!

    Rediscover that sassy, creative spirit that kick-started it all & honor what she needs NOW, as she’s evolving.

    Some of the things clients choose to focus on in this Intensive include:

    • Learning to embrace and harness feminine energy.
    • Recognizing the strengths of receptivity & intuition.
    • Creating a self-care & self-nurturing blueprint.
    • Aligning actions & choices with inner values & authentic self.
    • Cultivating joy, presence, and gratitude in daily life.
    • Mindfulness practices for staying connected to the present.
    • Learning ways to create sacred space for self.
    • Guided Meditation for grounding & deep relaxation
    • Soothing an anxious & exhausted heart & mind.

    Additionally, clients may choose to focus on...


    Exploring Difficult Career Scenarios: Delving into challenging career situations to gain valuable insights for charting your future path.

    Scripting Effective Communication: Equipping you with the skills to articulate your needs effectively, ensuring your voice is heard in your professional journey.

    Empowering Your Communication: Empowering you to communicate your needs clearly and assertively, fostering constructive dialogue and positive outcomes in your career.

    Balancing Self-Care and Responsibilities: Strategies for maintaining personal well-being while meeting professional obligations.

    Mindset, Boundary Setting, and Workplace Expectations: Developing a resilient mindset, setting boundaries, and balancing self-care with workplace demands for authentic success.

    The “Career & Burnout Recovery” intensive is designed to empower professional women & entrepreneurs to soften, connect with their receptive feminine energy, and create a harmonious balance between their assertive and receptive qualities, fostering holistic personal and professional success.

    If this sounds like it would be a good fit for you, REACH OUT!

    We’d be honored to support you!

  • Relationship Focused Intensive For Individuals.

    Navigating Tricky Relationships and Building Authentic Connections:

    Ready to mend difficult relationships or gain clarity on navigating challenging ones?

    We excel at deciphering relationship dynamics and we understand the intricacies & complexities of navigating relationship challenges.

    Whether you need guidance on relationships with friends, family or colleagues, we can help.

    We equip you with the tools to identify and cultivate the meaningful, fulfilling relationships you genuinely want and deserve.

    Some of the way client choose to use this intensive is to focus on:

    -Enhanced workplace communication & boundary-setting skills.
    -Strategies for managing intrusive family members, family conflict or even navigating the holidays.
    -Improved friendship dynamics.
    -Developing personalized action plans for addressing specific challenges.

    This intensive equips you with the tools and strategies to navigate workplace relationships, handle intrusive family members & family conflicts, address challenging friendships, while maintaining your self-respect, honoring your personal boundaries & protecting your peace.

    If this sounds like a good fit for your needs, feel free to inquire about how an Intensive may benefit you. REACH OUT, HERE.

  • Whether you're anticipating a significant life event or have just undergone a major life transition, our therapy intensives are here to provide the support you need.

    We specialize in guiding individuals through key life moments like births, relocations, and weddings.

    Our intensive programs create a safe, nurturing space for you to explore your emotions, acquire valuable coping strategies, and deepen your self-awareness.

    We empower you to not only embrace change, but also to make informed decisions, nurture strong relationships, and prioritize self-care in the process.

    With our expert guidance, you can confidently navigate these pivotal life moments, ensuring a smoother, more fulfilling transition into your next chapter.

    If this Intensive sounds like a great fit for your needs, feel free to inquire about how an intensive may benefit you. REACH OUT, HERE.

Intensive Options…

  • 1 Day

    Starting at $2,400

    • 8 hour program
    • 6 face-to-face hours (includes pre, post, & intensive session)
    • Resources & assessments
    • Personalized workbook
    • Weekday availability

    This option typically takes place over the course of 1-3 weeks, given that we meet for a pre-intensive session, the intensive session & a post-intensive session.

  • 2 Days

    Starting at $3,500

    • 11 hour program
    • 9 face-to-face hours (includes pre, post & intensive sessions)
    • Resources & assessments
    • Personalized Workbook
    • Weekday & Weekend availability
    • Brief in-between session contacts incl.

    Designed to take place over the course of 1-3 weeks, given that we meet for a pre-intensive session, two intensive sessions & a post-intensive session

  • 3 Days

    Starting at $5,500

    • 14 hour program
    • 12 face-to-face hours (includes pre, post, & intensive sessions)
    • Resources & assessments
    • Personalized Workbook
    • Weekday & Weekend availability
    • Brief in-between session contacts incl.

    Designed to take place over the course of one month, given that we meet for a pre-intensive session, three intensive sessions & a post-intensive session

Benefits of Therapy Intensives:

  • Feel better, faster.

  • The potential for deep healing.

  • An impactful alternative to weekly sessions.

  • You want the luxury of an extended period of focused time to dive deep.

  • High touch, personalized experience to lean into the work & the transformation you desire.

  • To prepare for a big life event OR to process after a big life event has taken place (e.g. a birth, wedding, divorce, breakup, sabbatical, career transition, etc.)

Therapy Intensive FAQs

  • A Therapy Intensive is a concentrated and focused therapeutic experience designed to address specific issues or challenges at an accelerated pace.

    Unlike traditional therapy, which might take place weekly over several months, a therapy intensive typically spans multiple hours in one day or over a few consecutive days. This format allows you to dive deep into your concerns, benefiting from sustained attention and momentum.

    For professional women juggling numerous responsibilities, a therapy intensive can provide a dedicated space to process feelings around challenging life circumstances & transitions without the prolonged wait of weekly sessions.

    Therapy Intensives provide a powerful way to offer you the space and time to experience deep, immersive healing at an accelerated pace.

    At Chicago Modern Therapy, our Intensives offer a personalized deep-dive into the heart of your concerns, providing a sacred space to explore, understand, and navigate the way through your unique circumstances.

    This isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s a bespoke experience, tailored to your specific needs & desires.

    It’s about delving into your individual story, unraveling the complexities, and laying a foundation for meaningful change in a way that works best for you.

    Once we’ve decided together that the Intensive process is a great fit for you and what you’d like to address, we’ll schedule the intensive sessions.

    Our Intensive Framework is actually a series of at least 3 separate sessions.

    1. Our Pre-Intensive Intake, 50-90 min
    2. The Intensive Session(s), typically 3-4 hr blocks
    3. The Post-Intensive Follow-Up, 50-90 min

    Currently, the Intensive takes place virtually, through a HIPAA compliant platform.

    Within this immersive experience, you’ll have access to tools & insights to reconnect with your authentic self & emerge with a renewed sense of balance & clarity.

    Reset, realign, and rediscover your path forward with Chicago Modern Therapy Intensives!

    Accelerated. Transformative. Impactful.

    For more information, REACH OUT, HERE..

  • Why Book A Therapy Intensive?

    Therapy Intensives offer a number of benefits:

    1. Rapid Progress: The condensed format of a therapy intensive can lead to breakthroughs and insights in a accelerated time frame.
    2. Dedicated Focus: It allows you to fully immerse yourself in the therapeutic process, reducing the distractions and interruptions that can come with weekly therapy.
    3. Flexibility: For busy professional women, committing to weekly sessions can be challenging. An intensive provides a way to prioritize mental health without the long-term time commitment.
    4. Tailored Approach: Intensives are often tailored to address specific issues, ensuring that the therapeutic interventions are relevant and effective for your unique situation.
    5. Boosted Momentum: The continuous engagement can create a momentum that might take weeks or months to achieve in traditional settings.
    6. Comprehensive Care: Intensives often incorporate various therapeutic modalities, offering a holistic approach to address your concerns.

    A therapy intensive is an investment in yourself, providing an opportunity to make meaningful changes in a condensed time-frame.

    Additional reasons to consider participating in a Therapy Intensive…

    You’ve recently experienced a life transition or are anticipating one (e.g. relationship, job, or relocation transitions). A therapy intensive allows you to explore your circumstances on a deeper level with the comfort of extended session time & a sanctioned “sacred space.” Processing the experience & clarifying next steps in an accelerated time frame can be a game changer for your mental health and your life circumstances.

    You’re feeling STUCK & you want clarity on next steps or you’re looking for a total re-set.

    You feel completely disconnected from yourself & your joy. In fact, you’re feeling exhausted, burned out or even bored. You want to reconnect with what actually matters to you & you feel a therapy intensive will allow you to create the sanctioned time & space to explore how to get there.

    You have a relationship challenge that requires you to dig deep with reflection, introspection & some solid strategizing. Your concern might be specifically tied to relationships at work, family dynamics, or setting boundaries. Perhaps your concern is about navigating the holidays, dealing with a recent (or not so recent) breakup, embracing singleness, learning the art of "letting go," or even diving back into the dating pool. Rest assured that the therapy intensive can offer you the benefit of deep reflection, introspection, and progress towards a strategy on navigating your concern moving forward.

    The options are literally endless and can be tailored to your specific concerns.

    When you want an immersive, “bespoke” therapy intensive, REACH OUT & begin this personalized journey back to self.

    We’d love to discuss how we can tailor this experience to you!

  • What can I expect from a therapy intensive?

    A therapy intensive is an immersive, focused approach to therapeutic work, typically condensed into a shorter time frame than traditional therapy sessions.

    Here's what you can expect logistically:

    Our Intensive Framework is actually a series of at least 3 separate sessions.

    1. Our Pre-Intensive Intake, 50-90 min

    2. The Intensive Session(s), typically 3-4 hr blocks

    3. The Post-Intensive Follow-Up, 50-90 min

    Currently, the Intensive takes place virtually, through a HIPAA compliant platform.

    Prior to the actual intensive session(s), we schedule an in-depth assessment to understand your history, needs, and goals, ensuring the intensive is tailored to YOU.

    Once we’re clear on what we’re going to address we meet for the intensive session(s). Given the extended period of time, we take short breaks each hour of the Intensive to ensure we attend to our comfort. The intensive, itself, may include verbal processing, along with other modalities that we’ve decided will be a good fit for you.

    After the Intensive, we’ll meet for a Follow-Up to ensure your sustained progress and to address any subsequent challenges.

    In terms of what you can expect, generally, with an intensive, you can expect:

    1. Depth: With extended session times, you'll dive deeper into issues, allowing for profound insights and breakthroughs.
    2. Efficiency: The condensed format can accelerate progress, often achieving in a few hours/days what might take months in traditional therapy.
    3. Personalized Attention: Intensives are tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that the therapy is highly relevant to your situation.
    4. Safe Environment: Given that the Intensive takes place virtually, you have control over your environment. You’d want to ensure that you have a setting that is designed to be a secure, confidential space where you can explore, reflect, and grow, uninterrupted.
    5. Expert Guidance: Intensives are facilitated by therapists with specialized training, providing you with expert support throughout.
    6. Holistic Approach: Intensives incorporate multiple therapeutic modalities, from talk therapy to experiential exercises, addressing both the mind and body.
    7. Actionable Strategies: If this is one of your specific goals, we’ll ensure that you’ll leave with several clear strategies and tools to continue the work and maintain progress post-intensive.
    8. Dedicated Time: Without the usual interruptions of daily life, you can fully immerse yourself in the therapeutic process.
    9. Follow-Up: As mentioned above, intensives include follow-up sessions or support to ensure sustained progress and to address any subsequent challenges.

    In essence, a therapy intensive offers a concentrated, deep dive into personal growth and healing, supported every step of the way by skilled professionals.

    At Chicago Modern Therapy, our actual intensives sessions are typically scheduled for 3 hours.

    Depending on your needs and the outcome you’d like to achieve, this “container” is designed specifically for you.

    We’ll arrange for it to unfold within one day or we can schedule several intensive sessions to take place over the course of a week or month.

    Starting at $1500 for our 6 hour framework, Intensives are ideal for a Work Challenge, Relationship Challenge, A Breakup or Burn-out.

    Therapy intensives are an investment in yourself, providing an opportunity to make meaningful changes in a condensed time-frame.

    Book your Intensive TODAY, to transform your tomorrow.

    REACH OUT to inquire about how an Intensive may be beneficial for you, HERE.

  • Once you reach out to inquire about what an intensive could look like for you…
    • We’ll contact you with more detailed information regarding the Intensive.
    • Together we’ll determine whether this service will be the best fit for your needs & the outcome you’d like to achieve.


    Pre-Intensive Interview
    Next, we’ll have a Pre-Intensive Interview This is a 50-90-minute session to determine the goals of the Intensive and prepare for the experience. We’ll identify what you’d like to address & your goals of what you’d like to achieve in this immersive experience.

    Personalized Treatment Workbook
    Once we’ve had the Pre-Intensive Interview, we’ll design a Personalized Treatment Workbook for you.
    The workbook includes assessments and activities to prepare for the Intensive. The workbook allows you keep a record of progress on your treatment goals before, during, and after our sessions.

    Customized Intensive Treatment Program
    The Intensive sessions take place virtually, and are scheduled for 1-3 days for 3 hours each day.

    The Intensive includes targeted treatment and “resourcing” activities customized for you.

    Post-Intensive Interview
    This is a 50-90-minute session to debrief the experience and reflect on areas of insight, relief, and transformation. We’ll discuss your next steps for continued growth and healing.

    To inquire about scheduling a complimentary consultation to determine whether an Intensive may benefit you, REACH OUT, HERE.

  • 1-Day (Weekday) Intensive $2,400

    (Offered on Wednesday)

    6 face-to-face hours + resources/ assessments/ personalized treatment workbook

    Pre & Post Intensive Sessions are scheduled separately from the intensive, but are included in the price of the intensive.

    1-Day (Weekend) Intensive $2,800

    (Offered on Friday and Saturday)

    4 face-to-face hours + resources/ assessments/ personalized treatment workbook

    Pre & Post Intensive Sessions scheduled separately, but are included in the price of the intensive.

    2-Day (Weekday/Weekend) Intensive $3,500

    (Offered on Wednesdays, Fridays or Saturdays)

    9 face-to-face hours + resources/ assessments/ personalized treatment workbook

    Pre & Post Intensive Sessions are scheduled separately, but are included in the price of the intensive.

    (This option unfolds over the course of 1 to 3 weeks. We provide brief touch points to support you between sessions, if this is of interest to you.)

    3-Day (Weekday/Weekend) Intensive $5,500

    (Offered Wednesday, Friday or Saturday)

    12 face-to-face hours + resources/ assessments/ personalized treatment workbook

    Pre & Post Intensive Sessions are scheduled separately from the intensives, but are included in the price of the intensive.

    (This option unfolds over the course of 3 or 4 weeks. We provide brief touch points to support you between sessions, if this is of interest to you.)

  • A 50% deposit is required at the time of booking. This deposit is non-renfundable.
    The remaining balance is due on Day 1 of the Intensive
    By booking the Intensive, you have purchased this time and it is yours unless you cancel at least 2 weeks prior to Day 1

  • A 50% deposit is required at the time of booking. This deposit is non-renfundable.
    The remaining balance is due on Day 1 of the Intensive.

    By booking the Intensive, you have purchased this time and it is yours unless you cancel at least 2 weeks prior to Day 1.

    If you cancel the Intensive within 2 weeks of Day 1, you will be charged the total amount of the Intensive Package.

  • Intensives give you the results you would get from months of therapy in a much shorter period of time. If you add up the cost of weekly therapy, an Intensive is actually more cost effective. Instead of waiting months, you can get the same results in a few days.

What Clients Are Saying About Intensives…

"Kama created a safe space for me to finally share my story in full.  Her ability to listen, remain present and offer compassion helped me feel comfortable enough to go deep with my process.  I'm so grateful for this work & the healing I've experienced."

“Kama’s intuitive approach & perceptiveness has helped me get real insight into myself.  I’m really excited to put what I've learned in the intensive into action.  I'm finally taking some real steps forward!”

Transformative & Impactful! Book your therapy intensive, today!

Kama Joy Schulte, MA, LCPC, ATR-BC | Director, Leading Chicago Psychotherapist & Life Transformation Strategist for Women

Where Successful Meets Soulful…

For over two decades, Kama has been a trusted ally for Chicago's professional women and emerging entrepreneurs. Her esteemed credentials, including licenses in both Illinois and Michigan, combined with a Board Certification from the American Art Therapy Association, place her among the top in her field.

Specializing in Anxiety Relief, Relationship Challenges, Breakup Recovery & Enhancing Career Satisfation, Kama’s approach to therapy is refreshingly modern. Seamlessly blending evidence-based techniques from Solution Focused Therapy, CBT, ACT, IFS, and mindfulness, Kama curates a personalized therapeutic experience while designing a blueprint for your overall well-being — a perfect blend of soulful introspection and actionable strategies.

If you're looking for accelerated clarity & transformative healing, dive deep with Chicago Modern Therapy bespoke INTENSIVES. This high-touch approach offers swift, transformative growth with impactful results. Now offering INTENSIVES for Breakup Recovery, Burn-out Recovery & Relationship Challenges (for individuals).

At her core, Kama believes in cultivating authentic connections, guiding you to not only navigate life's challenges, but to craft your unique journey filled with purpose and profound satisfaction. Kama sees women through all phases of life & cherishes the special one-on-one relationship she builds & nurtures with each of her clients.

Curious to learn more about Intensives?