How we can work together…

Session Options, Fees & the Investment you’re making in your future & in yourself.

“This work has changed my life, especially my confidence, and how I experience relationships.”

— Spontaneous Quote By Client

“I’ve accomplished more in the past 2 months working with Kama, than in the 2 years prior working with a different therapist.  My confidence in the workplace has skyrocketed!”

— Spontaneous Quote By Client

You’re not the average woman & you’re definitely not looking for the average therapy experience.

We know your time + energy are valuable. So, we’ve designed the Chicago Modern Therapy experience with you in mind. We strive to accommodate your lifestyle & needs.

INVESTING in yourself & in your future.

What would it be worth to you to achieve the outcome you so desire?

Our approach is effective & you’ll have the flexibility to choose the number of sessions you’d like to invest in. Depending on the type of changes you’d like to experience in your life, we’ve had clients get their desired outcome in 2-4 sessions. Typically, it’s a bit longer, but we’ll work with you on this. We see 10-12 sessions as optimal & we can accomplish a lot in that time frame.

The majority of our clients find this work so valuable that they choose to continue the work long after their initial concern is resolved.

As our clients share in their TESTIMONIALS, this work leads you to THE BEST VERSION OF YOU.

The best relationships. The best careers. The best expressions of YOUR PURPOSE.

This work lays a foundation that you’ll continue to build on & put into action for years to come.

If you’re looking to CREATE SIGNIFICANT & LASTING CHANGE in yourself and in your life, we encourage you to reach out!!


Solution Focused Therapy is designed to be “brief” & effective.

We get clear on what you want & what’s already working for you. Then, we build on this, moving you ever closer to your desired outcome & the way you WANT TO FEEL in your day-to-day and in life.

We dive deeper when it’s useful & we’re all about releasing the “stuff” that’s creating blocks & barriers. We’ll help you zero in on what’s in your control & we’ll support you in taking committed action at a pace that works for you. We’ve been doing this for awhile, so we’ve got tons of tips & tricks to get you to the outcome you’re looking to experience.

Our goal is getting you to your place of alignment, your “zone of genius” & flow!!

We want you to experience that space where things flow, with ease, and where you’re truly enjoying yourself again. We want you to embody feeling centered & present and empowered to make intentional choices based on what actually works for you & what actually lights you up. Our goal is getting you to the place where you feel empowered to stay true to YOU … as you build your ideal relationships, career & life. Mind. Body. Spirit.

Clients love our down to earth, collaborative style. It’s conversation & collaboration, with purpose. Clients often experience great relief, remarking how much better they feel, even in the first session. YOU CAN, TOO!

Therapy at YOUR pace.

Typically, sessions are weekly or bi-weekly. But, we’ll tailor our pace to you & your schedule.

We ask you to consider what pace feels right for you? And as long as it’s clinically appropriate, we’re all in!

  • If you want to do sessions twice a week, that’s completely possible.

  • If you want to book out weekly sessions for a 2 month program, let’s do it! Most clients start with this pace.

  • If you want to do a longer session of two+ hours once a month, we can make that work!

  • If you prefer to schedule sessions once every three weeks, let’s book ‘em.

  • We also offer Therapy Intensives as a powerful, immersive healing experience at an accelerated pace. Learn more HERE.

Whatever frequency works for you & your life, we’ll strive to make it happen.

We’ve designed our session options with you in mind!

  • Traditional Session Options

    Standard Fees:

    Touch Point - 30 minutes . . . . $200.00 (For current clients)

    The Usual - 45 minutes . . . . . . $250.00

    This option is for you if you prefer a more traditional pace & way of working with your therapist! REACH OUT, HERE!

    *** Occasionally, we have reduced fee availability for our virtual 45 minute sessions. Feel free to inquire HERE!

  • Modern, Solution-Focused Therapy for Women: 4-12 Week Personalized Program

    To be completed within the number of weeks you choose . . . $250.00 per 45 minute session

    Discover a modern approach to therapy that's designed specifically for the aspirations & challenges of today's woman. Solution Focused Therapy is intentionally brief, offering a specified number of sessions tailored just for you.

    This option is the most popular with our clients due to its’ effectiveness.

    Unlock rapid, transformative results tailored to your goals in relationships, career and personal growth.

    Short term commitment, with long term benefits. REACH OUT, HERE!

  • Intensive Sessions - Immersive & Accelerated

    Feel Better, Faster!

    Reboot / Reset / Restore — It’s like a Mini Retreat 6+ hours starting at $2,400

    Intensives are designed to offer the time and space to dig a little deeper.

    This option is great for leaning in & doing the work on a deeper level with the comfort of extra time.

    Focus on deep healing or strategizing solutions.

    Ideal for a Work Challenge, Relationship Challenge, A Breakup or Burn-out. This “container” is designed specifically for you & can unfold over the course of a day, a week, or a month . We’ll have a brief contact prior to meeting to “get the lay of the land” & get clear on what you want to address & achieve in this immersive experience. We follow up with a debrief to anchor in your results!

    BOOK TODAY to transform your tomorrow. Learn more about Intensives HERE.

Our practice is exclusively Self-Pay.

We have no affiliation with Insurance Carriers & we don’t accept Insurance.

Here’s why…

  • Your reputation requires discretion & confidentiality. Accessing insurance benefits doesn’t offer that.

  • We want to serve & guide you in the ways that make sense for you & your circumstances vs. any limitations imposed by insurance.

  • We want you to get the most out of the experience. We find that client’s who invest in the work financially, invest in the work emotionally. Show up for yourself in this way & create YOUR best possible outcome!

We offer you receipts that you’ll submit to your FSA or HSA.

Making remarkable transformations a reality.

What’s the transformation YOU want to experience?

Reach out! Let’s connect. Together, we’ll clarify how our work can best support you in making you’re desired results a reality. What’s the transformation you want to experience in YOUR REALITY?

Below, we share a few examples of just some of the transformations we’ve helped our clients actualize. This is just some of the work we do on a daily basis!!

  • Single & Dating > to Partnered & Committed

  • Feeling Anxious or Overwhelmed > to feeling Confident, Courageous & Calm

  • Feeling Burnt-out > to feeling Calm, Soothed, & Energized — reclaiming your energy & reconnecting to your authentic passion & purpose

  • Healing a Breakup, Infidelity, & Divorce

  • People Pleasing > to Creating BALANCE & Boundaries & finally putting yourself first!

If you want relief and are seeking support in making lasting change, don’t wait any longer.

Reach out & start feeling like yourself again, TODAY!

Define your happiness.

Then live it on purpose & by your design.

Reach out! Start transforming your life today!

Have more questions? We get it!

Feel free to check out our FAQ page or send us a message HERE.